Are you ready to find your dream customers?

Products and services without customers are doomed to failure. With the limited time and resources available to start-ups, you want to focus on selling to the people who are most likely to buy from you. Our 30 Day Challenge will help you understand who your best customers are, how you can reach them and how to fill your sales funnel.

Join us for a deep dive into customer discovery, validation, messaging and sales funnels. By the end of 30 days you’ll have deep understanding of what problem you’re solving, who has it and how to speak to them.

*The Challenge will be hosted on our community platform Circle, which is free to join.

What you get:

  • Paired with action oriented prompts and tasks, this is what moves the needle

  • Meeting with likeminded entrepreneurs helps bring the content to life and deepens understanding.

Find Your Best Customers in 30 Days ·

Find Your Best Customers in 30 Days ·

Do any of these statements apply to you?

✋You’ve already sold to your first few customers or are close to market but want to develop a more robust process 

✋You need some dedicated space and support to discover and speak to your dream customers 

✋You would love to speak to more customers but feel your tone and messaging needs work 

✋You’re aware of sales funnels, but want to learn how to really make them work for you 

Then our 30-Day Challenge is right for you!

For £200 you get all of the above and 60 day access to the content.